Krisz Nadasi writes – Az írás a szenvedélyem. És az, hogy Te is legyél író!


Welcome to The Cube!

I have to pay tourism tax for each guest above the age of 18.
Please fill in the tax form below for each of you staying at The Cube (who is 18 years old or older):

The town and country where you were born.
Format: 19991201 Full year, then the month with 2 digts, then the day with 2 digits.
I need to collect the data above to supply to the District Tax Department (DTD). I only store your data until January 31st the next year, when I am to make statistics for DTD. I delete your data once DTD allows me to do it. I collect the data according to District Act 43/2017 (XI.28).

If you see a green message when scrolling up, data submission was successful.
Thank you,